If you are hoping to bring your product to the U.S., you may feel as though it’s an overwhelming task. You know there are buyers here, but how do you effectively reach them while still making a profit? The good news is also the bad news: there are a ton of options when it comes to shipping your product into and within the U.S. We break down our recommended checklist for all business owners looking to sell in the Land of Opportunity.
Register for the correct business licenses
Whether you are selling solely online, or you have a brick and mortar, selling product legally within the U.S. is the first and perhaps most important task on your list. WIthout the proper business licenses, you could be fined as a fraudulent business and in extreme cases, receive jail time. We recommend talking to both a CPA and business attorney who can advise you on the type of business you should file as (sole proprietorship or LLC) and which would provide the best cost-benefits come tax season.
Incorporate multiple marketing channels for promotion
In other countries, it’s common that “word of mouth” is the only marketing channel needed to keep your business thriving. And while this important marketing tool works to a certain degree in America, it mostly happens on a hyper-local scale. When you are looking to break into a national market, you need to reach as many people at once. Look into national marketing options including social media advertising and Google ads.
Plan your year with the big-picture in mind
Some things you can control, and some things you can’t. How will holiday cutoff dates affect you during your busiest time of year? Or how can hurricanes and ice storms cause issues for your supply chain during the fall and winter months? We’re not suggesting you learn to predict the weather, but being aware of potential down time helps you build a buffer within your calendar.
Audit your supply chain
Unlike services, products have to be delivered - preferably in one piece and on time. But moving products throughout your supply chain on a national scale can get complicated quickly. We recommend considering where your product is sourced from, where your customers are, what the chosen means of transport are for each transfer and what level of ‘contact’ you want to have with your product. Once you can answer those questions thoughtfully, begin reviewing locations that satisfy as many of your needs as possible.
Determining the ins and outs of any business decision requires thought, patience and planning. Let Sweetwater Logistics help you navigate the U.S. market with a logistics solution that will support all of your business goals. Contact us today.
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Sweetweater Logistics has proven over and over their ability to respond to our business logistic needs, and personal attention to shipping and packaging needs and concerns with an effecient and timely matter. They care about the products and shipping, like it is their own, and we have a partnership that is essential in the world of continued high level customer expectations.